Tulane University


课程代码 课程名称
ACCN 2010 Financial Accounting
ACCN 3010 Managerial Accounting
ACCN 3100 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCN 4100 Auditing
ARHS 1010 Art Survey I: Prehistory through the Middle Ages
ARHS 1020 Art Survey II: Renaissance to the Present
ARHS 3380 Italian Renaissance Art
ARHS 3680 History of Photography
CELL 1010 Intro to Cell & Molec Biology
CELL 1010&CELL 2115 Intro to Cell & Molec Biology&General Biology Lab
CHEM 1070&CHEM 1075 General Chemistry I&General Chemistry Lab I
CHEM 1080&CHEM 1085 General Chemistry II&General Chemistry Lab II
CHEM 2410 Organic Chemistry I
COMM 2230 Interpersonal Communication
CMPS 1500 Intro to Computer Science I
CMPS 1600 Intro to Computer Science II
CMPS 2170 Intro to Discrete Math
CMPS 3240 Intro to Machine Learning
CMPS 3310 Logic in Computer Science
ECON 1010 Intro to Microeconomics
ECON 1020 Intro to Macroeconomics
ECON 3010 Intermed Microeconomics
ECON 3020 Intermed. Macroeconomics
ECON 3100 Econ of Money & Banking
ECON 3230 Econometrics
ECON 3320 Urban Economics
ECON 3540 Development Economics
ENGL 1010 Writing
FINE 3010 Financial Management
HISU 1410 US Hist - Colonization to 1865
HISU 1420 US Hist 1865 To The Present
ASTJ 1010 Beginning Japanese I
ASTJ 1020 Beginning Japanese II
MGMT 3010 Organizational Behavior
MGMT 3380 Business Ethics
MKTG 3010 Marketing Fundamentals
MKTG 4100 Consumer Behavior
MATH 1210 Calculus I
MATH 1220 Calculus II
MATH 2170 Intro To Discrete Math
MATH 2210 Calculus III
MATH 3050 Real Analysis I
MATH 3070 Intro To Probability
MATH 3090 Linear Algebra
MATH 3110 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 4240 Ordinary Differentl Equa
PHIL 1010 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 1030 Ethics
PHIL 2010 History of Ancient Phil
PHIL 2600 Ethics In Business
PHYS 1210&PHYS 1211 Introductory Physics I&Introductory Physics I Lab
PHYS 1220&PHYS 1221 Introductory Physics II&Introductory Physics II Lab
PHYS 1310&PHYS 1311 General Physics I&General Physics I Lab
PHYS 1320&PHYS 1321 General Physics II&General Physics II Lab
POLA 2100 American Government
PSYC 1000 Introductory Psych
PSYC 3010 Intro To Personality
PSYC 3330 Abnormal Psychology
PARL 3330 World Religions
RLST 1020 Religions of the World
RLST 1100 Intro To Religious Stud
SOCI 2010 Foundations of Sociology